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User Reviews of OK Cupid
san antonio, Texas, US
never spent no money with them but i spent hours answering over 2500 questions and then one day after 2 years of using the site i got locked out with no reason and have questioned the office and no responce that is really trashy!
portland, Oregon, US
Pretty good even though u want me to rate it before I even try it
mobara, Chiba, JP
i need girlfriend
Ohio, US
Easy-to-use site that has an extensive matching system. I appreciate the opportunity label answers to questions in the inventory as optionally public information, so that matches can see personal thoughts on key topics.
Alpharetta, Georgia, US
My best friend met her husband on OkCupid. I've met a few guys, but not love connections yet....just a few new friends.
Clevland, Ohio, US
The best free site I've used. Had some really fun dates off here.