Dating And Love Advice Blog

Divorced Dating

What happens if your partner in life was giving you a life of pain and sadness instead of happiness and love? You get a divorce. Whatever your reason may be for divorcing your partner, never let it hinder you from finding the person you truly deserve. Divorce is not a mark of a failed marriage. It is a process of healing and moving on from a mistake you ...[Read More]

From STD to STeaDy dating

What’s the next step now that you know that you are positive on a certain STD? Acceptance. Accept the fact that you have a STD so that you may proceed to either treatment or moving on. If you think that it’s the end of your dating life now that you have STD, think again. There are lots of dating sites which will help you connect with people you ...[Read More]

Not Another Bathroom Selfie

So you decided to give online dating a chance but can’t decide what photo of yourself to post as your main image. Please, for the love of all things good, do not post bathroom selfie. As for the many people going through profiles who can appreciate a photo, how many times do we have to see someone starring at their phone while they take a picture of ...[Read More]

I Think Im In Love With A Scammer

It almost seems that there is a daily story we hear about someone losing thousands of dollars to a scammer that they met on a dating site. We think, “how could someone be naïve enough to be willing to empty their bank accounts for someone that they have never even met?” But for the many out there looking for love and then one day finding ...[Read More]

Dating Sites To The Stars

As much as celebrities like to think they are normal people just like the rest of us, they travel on private planes and we wait at a gate for our boarding number to be called like a game of bingo. But when it comes to finding love we found that they are kind of like the rest of us. We all want to be loved by someone and share all those special moments in ...[Read More]
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