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User Reviews of JPeopleMeet
florence Geller,
Newtown, Pennsylvania, US
No way to contact Jpeople meet to complain. They take it upon themselves to send fake emails to their clients. I have received messages which I thought were from men who wanted to contact me, but it was the site itself that sent messages to me, not the individual man. Not happy with this site to say the least.
Michigan, US
This site is consistently "matching" me with men 10-20 years older -- &/or not even in my state!
Alabama, US
Very limited number of members. Of those numbers, quality man are far few between. Men will view ones profile many times but do not respond. Would not recommend this dating site.
Connecticut, US
Got tired of Jdate so I decided to try JpeopleMeet. Defintiely not as many members but it was nice to see some different people. Just starting to go on dates from women I met here so we'll see how it goes.