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User Reviews of Jeevan Sathi
Nidhi G,
Delhi, IN
I have recently joined Jeevansathi and to me this seems to be a pretty good and reliable website. I like the features that this site provides. Though this is a website on the internet, when accessing the site, one does not feel lost away from the traditional approach towards partner search. My parents & I both feel that this website is a good alternative to the traditional methods of searching for a good partner. When seeking an alliance, Indian parents always want to ensure that the family with which the alliance is being considered is a reputed and trustworthy family. Jeevansathi Team seems to have catered such needs very well. I think that profile verification is made easy with the help of the ‘Vishwas Seal’ feature which highlights those profiles that are verified by the Jeevansathi Team. Also, there is facility provided for horoscope details (some Indian families do consider horoscope matching as one of the deciding factors for match making). Besides, I found their online support to be quite good. I happened to go to Jeevansathi Live Help to clarify some of my queries and the person on chat helped me out always when I was stuck at something. My Dad’s opinion – Jeevansathi is a complete matrimony portal for those looking out for their soulmates and also a good alternative for parents wanting to reach out to the internet to search eligible partners for their children!