User Ratings of Caffmos Community

User Reviews of Caffmos Community

England, GB
This site is in a state of free-fall rapid decline. The chatroom is now dominated by a small hard-line clique of intolerant older, largely British, men. This clique is aided and abetted by the Chat Monitors who allow said clique to verbally abuse anyone - even their families and dead relatives - they disagree with. In fact, bans are regularly imposed on anyone whose views do not meet with the clique's approval. In short, diversity of opinion is in no way tolerated. Though their own views are wholly unrepresentative of national opinion - the clique and the thoroughly oppressive de-platforming policy of Caffmos management is used to suppress utterly any diversity of opinion . In short, a small group of older men are allowed to bludgeon and dragoon other members into subscribing to their own brand of highly eccentric and intolerant Cultural Marxist orthodoxy. The chatroom now reeks with the rancour and intellectual stagnation that one finds on sites that are fast on their way to becoming defunct for lack of subscribers.

Keith Richardson, England, GB
Greater London, met a very bad character coke sniffer sponged from me and suddenly turned, sorry the internet can be bad apart from the clique that appears in the evening, no I wont be visiting them again, no support from Admin

Pennsylvania, US

Nobby, Wales, GB

gerry, bedfordshire, England, GB