
What are the latest dating site features and how do I use them?

Online dating sites are constantly searching for new features to provide their members with the best possible dating experience. They often introduce new features they hope will differentiate their site from the competition. Among the latest dating site features are: an increasing use of mobile dating services, sites providing more shared online activities that members can do together and new communication tools that allow members to communicate in a safe environment without disclosing their personal information.


Online dating sites are providing members with services that take advantage of the increasing use of smart phones. Some dating sites are now providing Smartphone apps that use GPS technology to help members find potential matches in their immediate area. Other apps will tell you based on your location where you can find the highest concentration of members of the opposite sex. Members can view maps that display the guy to girl ratio in locations where singles frequent. You can also use a Smartphone app that will alert you when potential dating matches are nearby. Different dating sites offer different mobile dating services, so it is one factor you should research when deciding which dating sites to join.


Another feature that dating sites are increasingly offering is activities singles can do together online as they get to know each other. Whether it’s playing a two person game or writing stories together, dating sites are increasingly creating ways to promote interactions between their members. This provides potential dating partners joint experiences to help them break the ice and decide if they would like to continue their relationship offline.


Dating sites are using new technology to provide their members additional ways to communicate with other members in a safe, anonymous environment. Some sites are now providing technology that let members talk over the phone without giving out their real phone number. So if you want to take your communication to the next level and hear someone’s voice, but aren’t yet ready to give out your phone number or personal information, this feature provides a great way to further see if you have chemistry before deciding whether you would like to meet a potential date in person. When deciding on a dating website, what kind of communications tools the site provides to contact other members is another important factor to consider.