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User Reviews of BDSM Singles
Vancouver, British Columbia, CA
This site is not only filled with 90% fake ads and administrative lies, it's the biggest waste of someones time. It's sister site, FetishDates.ca is equally as bad and again full of fake ads and administrative lies. Please, for your sanity it's not worth a moment of your time.
Monroe, New York, US
They are FRAUDS. They took my money then canceled my membership with no explanation. I contacted them and got no answer why. BAD SITE STAY AWAY!!!
Ron Rosen, MD,
Atlanta, Georgia, US
BDSM is owned by ALT which is a part of a porn conglomerate. If you place !!!!!!!!!!!! or 2222222222,etc. on any message you send your account will arbitrarily & capriciously be immediately closed. Why? I haven't a clue. The Owners fail to notify its members of any important changes & don't appear to give a damm. If your bi-sexual, this site doesn't recognize you,lol. Less fraud artists than ALT but not because of this sites hard arm gestapo tactics. Customer service is friendly,relaxed & helpful. The owners ideas are strange. Only ask people already on here for their thoughts. Don't trust online reviews. Ron My account has been closed 9x's in 2 days. Unless your willing to spend most of ur time with cutomer service re-opening ur closed account GO ELSEWHERE. RMR